This is the list of every DQN song that has been recorded (though the recording may have since been lost.) It is automatically included in [[:Template:DQN Art]] * [[DQN DQN LOL]] * [[All Alone For Christmas (As Usual)]] * [[My life is ruined]] * [[2GET (song)|2GET]] * [[i'm a big fat butt]] * [[From Here I Can See Your House!]] * [[DQN IS METAL AS FUCK]] * [[it puts the lotion in the basket]] * [[( ´ω`) Discuss.]] * [[Return of the Sage]] * [[(´^ิω^ิ)]] * [[6 is not a panda|>>6 is not a panda.]] * [[WE ARE ZA WARUDO‎]] * [[( ´ω`) The true cognoscenti are more obsessed with Era.]] * [[Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.]] * [[Poopums, The magical wonder.]] * [[P≠NP]] * [[Punctual Gomez]]